Easter, Pagan worship 2023 edit

Anglo scholar Bede 672-735 A.D., wrote in 725 De temporum ratione (The Reckoning Time) About the origin of Easter.- Eosturmonath has a name which is now translated “Paschal month”, and which was once called after a goddess of theirs named Eostre, in whose honour feasts were celebrated in that month. Now they designate that Paschal season by her name, calling the joys of the new rite by the time-honoured name of the old observance.

There is much evidence linking several Nordic/Germanic goddess worship rites with the month of April and having a variation of the name Easter. Austra, Ostara , Eástre was a goddess of spring a ”daughter of Heaven”, symbolizing fertility.

We can see that even back in Bede’s time people were quick to mix pagan rituals with Christian celebrations. The Catholics only encouraged the mixing of religions, as this had been the practice of pagan Rome. Judeos today are so concerned with egg hunting. Although they should be hunting for the truth of Christ’s Word. Its time Christians throw away silly rituals and live according to Christ.

If, then, you died with the Anointed from the elementary teachings of the world order, why are you under its dogmas, as living in the world order? Col. 2.20

If you are going to fulfill your destiny, if you are going to be pleasing to God, if you are going to walk in the predestined destiny of the Holy Ones of God, you must do it in the New Covenant of Jesus Anointed and no other way, because it simply does not matter what administration or government that the Israelite were under before Christ, it does not matter what traditions of the Scynthians were, what mysteries the Greeks taught, because the blood of Jesus Christ has set men free from Babylonian religion, in what ever form or disguise that it may come under.

Christianity is not a religion it is a life, and the greatest enemy of Adamic man has been Babylonian religious philosophy trying to make a religion out of Christianity. Christ did not come to establish a religion, He came so that the Adamic race might have life and have it more abundantly. Only the truth of God’s Word, adhered to faithfully, can set men free from religiosity and churchianity.

Watch, lest anyone should despoil you through philosophy and vain deceit, according to the tradition of men, according to the elementary teachings of the world order, and not according to the Anointed. Col. 2.8

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