John 6.57-69 Those who return to the lie.

Even as the Living Father sent Me, And I live through the Father, also he partaking of Me, even that one will live through Me. This is the Bread which came down out of Heaven, not as the Fathers ate, and died; He partaking of this bread will live to the age. 

This Scripture confirms once again the spiritual nature of Jesus’s salvation. All things of the flesh will die physically. However the spirit does not have to die, this being the second death. Adamic man must study and live by the Mentality of Christ so that his spirit does not starve to death. We only have spiritual Life through Christ because Christ only recognizes His own.

 He said these things teaching in a synagogue in Capernaum. Then hearing many of his students said ‘’This word is hard; Who is able to hear it?’’ 

Many who came to Hear Jesus didn’t like what He said. He told the things of the world are nothing. He told them their law was weak and was fading away. He told them their temple would be torn down. He told them their religious leaders were vipers. These worldly people liked getting dressed up to go to the temple, they liked showing everyone how much they gave, they liked making deals with the vipers, they liked pretending to be religious when in their minds they thought of nothing but evil, they liked absolving themselves of any wrongdoing by sacrificing an animal. However, Jesus knew their inner minds.

But knowing within himself that his students were murmuring about this, Jesus said to them, ‘’Does this offend you? Then what If you see the Son of Man going up where he was at first? It is the mentality which makes alive. The flesh does not profit – nothing! 

This verse proves what I just wrote above. The flesh does not have any profit! It is only by the Mentality of Christ that a man can truly have life, which is spiritual life.

The words which I speak to you are Mentality and are Life. But there are some of you who are not being persuaded’’. For Jesus knew from the beginning who those not being persuaded were, and who was he betraying Him. And he said, ‘’for this reason I have told you that no one is able to come to me except it is given to him from my father. 

Again many rejected the Truth Jesus was telling them. They refused to leave their viper priests, they refused to have unity with their fellow Adamic, and instead chose the world with its mongrel philosophies and idols. They are not able to have the Father without the Son opening the door.

From this, many have his students went away into the things behind and no longer walked with him. Therefore, Jesus said to the Twelve, ‘’Do you also wish to go?’’ Then Simon Peter answered him, ‘’Master, to whom shall we go? You have the words of everlasting life, and we have been persuaded and have known that you are the separated of God.’’ 

The non-persuaded left Christ and returned to the things behind. They went back to their money changing, they went back to their mongrelizing, they went back to their viper religion. They had seen the Truth of Christ and turned back to the lie. The flesh will always be at war with the spirit. Which side are you on? Christ knows.

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